Boikot Dah Habis?


its been a while since my last time updating this blog..

alololo ciannye.. okay okay now im going to write something based on what happen to me currently few hours before this..

Yup kita semua tahu yang Malaysia prihatin terhadap rakyat Palestin yang merana hidup mereka akibat kekejaman zionis Israel yang menceroboh serta membunuh rakyat Palestin dengan sesuka hati.

Kita juga baru sedar yang semua produk makanan, kesihatan, penjagaan diri dan lain-lain adalah produk langsung dari Yahudi dan kita mula mengkaji kaitan penggunaan kita dengan penindasan yang berlaku terhadap saudara kita.

Yup. Ekonomi. Yahudi sangat berkuasa di dunia ini sekarang kerana mereka menguasai ekonomi dunia. They got the money they can shut everybody down. 

So it is really important for us to stop using their product and start living with our own creation and invention.

Lately we could see a lot of extreme boycott had took place in many McDonald outlets around Malaysia and the sale of this Multinational Company drop really fast almost make them shut down all their premises around Malaysia. But, guess what? Malaysia once again make the boycott thing as a fun thing instead of taking this seriously. What i could observe is lots of lines waiting to order meals on McDonald.

Hey Umat Islam dah habis dah festival boikot. Im not saying Isu Palestin ini isu agama tetapi ianya isu kemanusiaan. Tetapi Umat Islam di Malaysia ini bukan sahaja tiak peka sebagai saudara sesama Islam tetapi tidak peka sebagai warga penghuni Bumi. Dengan kata lain tidakberperikemanusiaan.

Yes we buy their things and they use our money that we 'sedekah'kat diorang by buying weapons to kill our own brothers and sisters at Palestine.

so Malaysia.. dah habis ke musim boikot.. kembali cam biase dah?/ Malu la.. Malu.. 

Im not saying this to others only but also for me. Not all their product we boycott.. only certain.. so we still help the Zionist making money in someway..

I just hope this world is a better place to live. Keep praying that Allah will show us the truth objective of life.

#PrayForGaza #PrayForPalestine #KeepBoycotting 


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