There Will Be Ease


This is is kind of my late night thought. Yes I've been treating this blog as my diary. Anything that I feel and anything that I want to write. May it beneficial to me and beneficial to those who read it.

Allah SWT promise that 'In every hardness there will be ease' and this words has been doubled to emphasize that for whatever difficulties and hardness we are facing, it will go away and be replaced will ease and comfort. This particular ayaat where we could clearly see that Allah wants to comfort us the believers so that we will never loose hope and give up in life.

The are phases of life needed to be faced. There will be ups and downs. There are too many great moments to be grateful and this feeling should supersede any sorrow that we are currently facing. 

Alhamdulillah I finished my nine months pupilage period at Messrs Tawfeek Badjenid & Partners. Very beneficial period in my life where I got to meet and learn from wonderful people. 

I had been admitted as an Advocate and Solicitor of High Court of Malaya on 28 August 2020. My Mom and my sister attended the sacred ceremony. I feel so thankful for them and all my siblings for helping me a lot in all aspects, just for to let me reach for my dreams.

I shared my long call date with Awin who is also my best friend. We also shared the same birth date - 22nd of March. 

Two days before the ceremony, I went to Physical Test for Pegawai Undang Undang position at ILIM Bangi. The results will be announced in few weeks and hopefully Allah will arrange something great for me. I just surrender to Him the Almighty the All Knowing on my future.

In shaa Allah. Where there is a will there is a will.


  1. Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh. Mohon izin utk dijadikan rujukan dan membantu membuat teks. Mohon halal. Jazakallah khairan katsiran.

  2. Hi, may i have your contact info or socials, to ask further on the Tawfeek Badjenid law firm for my internship .


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