Visiting Teachers at SMKKK


Hurm hari ni pergi ke sekolah atas ajakan kkawan baik Nur Amalina MOJO namenye. hehehe die nak jumpe cikgu kaunseling n nak tanye sal nak sambung mane and so on..

siap je kaunseling kite org terus gerakkan kaki ke Bilik guru... but sebelum Jumpe Kaunselor tu terserempak la ngan our beloved mother ever... Teacher Radziah Abdullah.. hehhe teacher pesan suh blajar leklok and suh bagitau die bile dapat tawaran mane mane nanti.. hehe

so move our feets to Bilik Guru and pi serang Cikgu Aidah.. our Mathematics teacher yang kelihatan tidak sibuk berbanding guru guru lain. heheh so borak borak jap.. then move on to Cikgu Pengawas... Pn. Siti Maryam ... die sokong lah saya ambik Law sebab die cakap I got the ability to communicate fluently... Belaiu suh saye sambung sampai PhD.. huhu terkerut kening kejap.. but InsyaAllah .. Doa seorang cikgu itu berkat tauh...

sempat borak jap ngan cikgu Asma' Binti Mohd Nasir.. die cite sal kawan2 die yang telah berjaya and still berpakaian macam org biase.. that time im wearing baju T shirt with tulisan THE WHO and sluar slack wane cream witha Jepun slipper.. hahah (FIPPER CELOP)... 

then we fly to invade Pn. Mazlizainab and her circles... hehe Pn Ezlina Ezura  le.. hehhe... Pn Norseha pon ade.. my cikgu BM time tingkatan 3...  my teacher advised me to improve my English because Im gonna further my study in Law and it requires Excellent English.. My beloved teacher also pesan agar menonjolkan diri time temuduga.. do not cares about others.. cakap je selagi mampu.. Allah granted me the abilty to speak and I will use it in a good way...

Thanks teacher for those awesome advices .... InsyaAllah I will practice hard and make some research about anything I wanna be in.. hehe Teacher also bocorkan rahsia yag saye ni Blogger Politik hahhaa... habes la identiti Osama Bin Laden lepas ni. hehee

Saya bukan nak berpolitik snaat pon tapi bile Negara dah hampiri kehancuran I think I need to do something Safe The Nation and bring out a CLEAN Malaysia.. Ubah, Selamatkanlah Malaysia.. chehh... rase nak bangun bagi ceramah atas meja plak.. (TIRU IKLAN KU PILIH MALAYSIA SANGATTTT)...

almost every teacher who ask me about what Im gonna takes after this.. and when I say Law.. hurm sume cakap'' "sesuai lah ngan Awak.. banyak Cakap!" hahahaha... mmg pon talkative what?? hehhehe


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