Cuti MidTerm


hurm.. tengok kat tajuk entri macam menarik but believ me.. nothing is interesting about this holidays.. hahaha

first.. thing become a lot worse when i missed my flight heading to Kota Bharu.. sedih to memang takleh cite.. That time i was literally broke.. ade duit not more than RM 60 .. hahaha tertinggal flight.. kene maki ngan family.. kene lecture ngan Misha.. hahaha kene ejek ngan kawan2..

by the time.. Allah help me.. He sent Abang Adam to help me.. Alhamdulillah.. sedih kot the whole situation.. abg Adam baru balik kerja.. blom sempat makan.. then terus ke airport sub ang to pick me up..

that time.. my phone battery is totally draining.. only 5%.. hahaha berlari2 cari plug to cucuk charger.. luckily ade..

Ive been told to check on next flight.. but its too expensive.. then abg adam pick me up and we went straight to Stesen Bas.. cari ticket to Kelantan that night but failed.. none..

so balik ke bilik,., Rasyid still there.. saying " min... min.. " hahaha

esoknye die lah yang hantar saya ke stesen bas pagi tu.. ngan beg sebesar alam.. haha

Alhamdulillah sampai rumah ( malas nak mention makanan tak sedap n mahal kat perhentian bas)
my mom pon dah recover from Demam.. Alhamdulillah..

so having holidays not doing much thing except sleeping.. hahaha

n my sister delivered a new niece to me named Sharifah An Nissa..

shes very fair n cute,.. aumm..

now.. Im at airport upodating blog waiting for my flight..

learn from my mistake.. and be at airport as early as you can..

tq Allah..

but im sad coz im not studying during holiday.. arghhh how im going to survive during tests>????

Allah please help me again,,,


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