LAW 3 end.. Alhamdulillah


All praises to Allah.. finally ditunggu tunggu dengan gerun dan kerutan di dahi serta debaran di dada.. Law 3 settle sudah petang tadi..

Hurm actually semalam study dahsyat gile.. dah rase cam nak mereng skit (baru Asasi lau Degree Acano?) huhu rase tepu otak.. macam Milo yang dah dituang air panas.. (takde Illustration lagi bagus ke)

I feel really small yesterday when i ask my friend about anything, they answer it like exactly written from the book. A thing comes up in my mind. How did they do it? Is it possible to happen?

thats the thing but another thing keep bothering me. A girl who ask for extra answer sheet. OMG what are you writing? Are you even human (rase nak hantuk hantuk je kepale kat meja) (but still control macho)

so tadi senang cita boleh jawab lah.. rase gak la lenguh2 dan rase nak terseliuh pergelangan tangan tu.. hehe

Tulisan plak takyah crita la.. memang buruk macam anak ayam baru pandai berjalan.. hahaha... pernah nampak?

actually saya ni seorang makhluk yang tak pernah ade tulisan chantekk.. sebab tu kechik dulu niat (ber-mens rea-kan) nak jadi seorang doktor. kih kihkih.. sebab tulisan buruk nak jadi doktor.. memang mudah hidup ni.. hikhik

basically every single child wanting a professional job as their ambition. hehehe...

dengan segala yang dah ku curahkan tadi harapnya boleh lah A untuk Law III ... Aminnnnnn InsyaAllah..

tadi lepas abes Law Three terus pergi hirup udara segar kat Tasik Shah Alam.. one more thing i want to thank You dear Allah The Almighty God.. because pouring rain almost everyday with a needed amount ...

it clear the skies and brighten the day.. nurturing the life of every creatures..



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