I'm An Mahasiswa Now.. Hope You Jealous...


Hurm dah lame jugak Qi tak Hapdate blog ni kan.. actually rindu sangat kat Blog yang tak banyak mane Viewers ni... but nak buat camana.. dah Bergelar Pelajar Universiti kan.. mesti lah Busy.. hehe

But I promise You Blogg.. I'll never leave you even I Busy like abg Azim.. heheh (sape abg Azim Tu???)
okay keep that Question mark in your head and I add more things to Increase your Curiosity..

tadaaa... Here is his picture..

so Camni.. setiap pelajar atas Mahasisiwa yang mendaftar di UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA perlu atau Wajib lam bahasa yang lepas Tepatnye.. Melalui Minggu Destini Siswa.. or what org Belanda selalu cakap Minggu Orientasi..

so not like Usual.. this week is totally an eye opener for us to keep studying here... ITS ROCK.. thats all I could tell.. hehhe Laugh Is never End.. and Being Sleepy during Deans speakin' infront is a Compulsion...

seriusly qi cakap.. duk sini pejam mata 4 saat da tertidor.. I think diorang letak sedative lam saluran Air Cond... kan kan kan.. Kepale plak berat cam letak batu sebijik.. thats it..

okay back to that Picture... Itu adalah abag Azim Tam Tam Bak Johor... (Bukan nama sebenar).. He is one of MP here... kire Facilitator la..

among all of Mp.. I think he did really good thing.. he arranged Penempatan n Pengangkutan semua pelajar.. hurm.. bayangkanlah betapa penatnye.. tengok die poon nampak Keletihan ... tapi takde.. for sake of anak bangsa Junior die.. die sanggup gak lakukan.. THUMBS UP to you Abang Azim Tam Tam..

I love every single thing that he put on...


so macam biase lah.. lam mane2 program pon mesti ade Faci yang berjalur keturunan Harimau Akar Pokok Cengal kan.. so Mine is named Abang Zahir Batin.. (still bukan name sebenar jugak)...

die memang tegas and garang... hate those who are not Punctual... But macam biase lahh mestijadi bahan kutukan Mahasiswa kan.. huhu

so Mahasiswa.. please jangan lah.. abg buat untuk kebaikan kita jugak.. without them all we will like a Dear entering a Village full of Vikings.. heheh (umpamanya)..


hurm MDS punye aktiviti memang seronoik.. I be A MC... I be A Dance Conductor... I be Fashion Designer.. I be SAJAK (POEM) reciter...

yang paling tu lah.. jadi pembaca Sajak kat depan seluruh pelajar UiTM Shah Alam and also seluruh Pelajar UiTm Malaysia.. kerana dipancarkan khas ke setiap kampus cawangan uiTM.. huhu glamm lah saye kan???

heheh ni semua hasil ajaran guru2 di SMK KUBANG KERIAN la.. without these soft skills I will never able doing all those things.. Thanks Teacher...

FRIEND QOUTE.. "OMG!!! I was SOOO surprised!! After Naib Chancellor bagi speech LIVE from UiTM Shah Alam tu ada persembahan sajak. Mula2 I didn't pay attention kat screen (cuz I'm sick) then when I looked at the screen dalam 3 saat, I was like "OMG MY FRIEND!!!" Congrats Amin Rashidi! That performance was epic!!! I'm proud of you! UiTM 1 bumi Malaysia tengok kot! Wohoo "

by Datin Elle ....>>

dapat Roommate pon baik2 je sume.. hehe.. takde yang Kerek macam Jamban Busukk..

*satu perkara.. pelajar U ni Narrow Minded and Mentality rendah tahap Shin Chan.. bile ade offer nak buat tu nak jadi ni.. die tak keluar.. tapi bila kita yang volunteerer ni Keluar.. mula lah bising.. mengata memaki..


*sian kat kawan saye.. huhu (len kali nilai diri kau dulu sebelum nak nilai org.. Don't you have balls?)

then time bace sajak Live tu.. sume kawan2 kat UiTM campus lain2 hapdate status.. terkejut tengok bangga sume.. huhu thanks friends... Do Promote me to the most beautiful friend You have.. hehehe (GATAI NAA)

huhu.. and This is another Person


her anme Is... Kak Nur Syaza Suraya Binti Sauli... huhu akak Syaza memang best and awesome.. First time jumpe akak.. die ajar break clap.. *tepuk peha biar lemak ancoorrr..

Rhythmic Clap on your Leg... huhu its so nice... enjoy ngattt... Break ten tuh yang perghhh skali... haha

Akak syaza ni mula2 saye kenal die bile die mintak seorang mahasiswa yang voluteer nak jadi MC.. then I put my hand Up la kan.. because Nobody want that position.. on the Fisrt Occasion kott...

die la yg buat teks.. die ajar satu2.. huhu thanks akak.. she's doing Degreee Bahasa and bla bla bla.. tak ingat la... Die jugak aktif sebagai Freelancer of MC (for Wedding etc).. Her professionalism is Can't be denied by anybody.. She Is One of a Kind... Love You Kak Syaza.. InsyaAllah I want you to be my Senior Advisor..

Kak Syaza ni orang kelantan Tau.. org Pasir Puteh.. and she too.. Puteh melepakk.. hehhe.,. I feels like she is my sister.. a biological sister. hehe because she show the best how to treat a Brother like me..

hurm sekian lahh meraban di tengah malam...

Esok insya Allah nak keluar outing ngan kawan.. nak gi Mid Valley and SACC... huhu see you there okay..

A place that i love to Be in this University is Pusat Islam.. fuhhh its is where the da'wah spreading... Alhmadulillah I've dreaming to be on place like that.. and guess what.. Allah give me so much.. Pusat Islam just 8 minutes away from my College... so InsyaAllah.. nak solat sane setiap hari n setiap mase...

Abg Faris is my advisor on religious metal.. Just now have a great conversation with him.. involving my most passionate thing in life POLITIC...

FOOD.. hurm makanan during MDS boleh dikira sedap jugak lah.. sampaikan perut saye Excrete waste product almost twice a day.. saye kehairanan.. kalau saye kat rumah.. sekali sehari tu pon tak pasti.. hurm...

hurm got so much input from him.. and esok InsyaAllah kumpulan UNIC.. nasyid tu.. akan ade konsert di pusat Islam ni tau.. huhu tak sabor teman nak ke sano..

This Gorgeous Hal Named Dewan Agong Tuanku Canselor (DATC).. jadi MC buat kali pertama kat sini lahhh...

jamban die dah berDiamond In The Sky bagai... Rihanna Sangatttt...

here I am at Pusat Islam.. Ber Ibadallah.. ehhee (lakonan semata)


my block..

semalam ade Malam Apresiasi Seni.. bertemakan Pesta Keamatan dan Hari Gawai.. persembahan perghhh best gile... one of my fav. performance is "Dari Tanah Kita Datang.. Ke Tanah Juga Kita Dikembalikan" which is my College punye persembahan.. Mesej die berat.. but this sketch is Funny and so Kelakau bolehbah kalakau... hehhe.....

tak lupa jugak kepada abg REMY and Abg Syah BOBO.. hehe... kerana menceriakan hari kami.. dengan warna warni variasi seni korang tu hah... PETI AIS AND COLOR BLOCK is perfect Match.. Gud Job.. hope can see you guys more...

Thats All from now on.. Assalamualaikum...


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