Need To Find A New Job


Baru semalam je rasenye post pasal dapat kerja.. hihi but saye dah brenti... keje kat kedai potostat tu la.. so itulah my first experience on working... time dapat gaji tu seronoit habes.. hihi... ye la kan.. hasil titik peluh kite sendiri..

Saye keje kat kedai name Well Copier Sales & Services ni sempat 2 minggu je.. bukan ape.. memang sejak dari mula Boss saye nak kan seorang Driver.. so bile saye mintak keje dulu first thing they ask me is whether i have a driving license or not.. so my answer would be no la..

So they hired me up.. just to help  make thing go smooth.. and its really awkward because most of the time saye takde keje nak buat... so they thing that  may not need my service anymore.. satu hari tu ade la sorang laki INDIA datang mintak keje n he got a license.. so die pon  da merayu rayu nak keje tu sebab die kate die kene sara anak beranak die.. so Boss pon simpati and he got that job..

So Boss need to stop hiring me.. and he pay my salary for 2 weeks of work.. Alhamdulillah.. sempat jugak la kan... so after this I will back to Kelantan first.. have a gud time and InsyaAllah.. i will come to Kajang again...

I prefer to work here because i really wanna stand on my own feet.. yes.. I am a boy who loves to do thing by my self... Yup korang pon kene lah belajor berdikari ye.. tak gitu,??

sempena Chinese New Year ni so my kakak n my abg ipar cuti panjang gak.. so diorang nak balik Klantan.. so saye pon tumpang lah sekaki payung./.. hihi.. hape ke bende la plak tu...

lame da tak jumpe my family.. naik rindu suda... loves to have a blast on my mother cooks.. sedap woo.. just perfect.. duk ssini baham makanan Indon je. naik jelak la jugak kan??

so guys.. pray that i will find a great job after this.. anywhere and anyplace.. asalkan halal lah ye..

so till then... bye bye... thanks to those who loves to read my blog... you guys are rock.. hehehe...

gambar yang sempat diambil time kat Alamanda.. saye pegi semalam.. ye lah cuti ken.. nak buat ape lagi?? habiskan minyak keta la jawabnye..


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