Exam Physics..

huih boleh dikire mencabar jugak la soalan die.. bagi saye la kan.. bagi korang saye tak tau.. hehe

hurm actually saye memang minat subjek Physics and oleh kerana saye pernah bercita2 nak jadi Pilot.. so saye terminat lah kat subjek Physics..

paper 1 tadi ok je.. paper 2.. huih.. mule2 tengok soxxlan tuh hurm.. tak terkate ape.. mmg HRM.. pikir se3ndiri la..

paper 3 plak tak sempat pengawas suh bukak soalan ag.. saye dah bukak da.. tengok Young's slit..

tajuk ni memang kiteorg kurang fokus.. but tadi senang je.. suh ambik bacaan je.. then plot graph ..

graph saye tuh banyak point tak kene.. but still balance .. directly proportional kan??

then jawab soalan kat belakang tuh.. experiment yang nak investigate the realationship between the thickness of wire and resistance...

tau tak saye buat diameter wire yang paling kecik brape?? 0.5 cm.. hahaa punye la besar.. yang paling besar plak 2.5cm.. tebal gile kowt..

owg laen gune s.w.g. kite gune cm.. whatever..

hurm bab bab nak target nih susah skit.. nak kate A.. hurm.. InsyaAllah.. but I will accept ape sahaja result Physics coz I know where I'm good at..

anyway thanks to God for helping me a lot.. Alhamdulillah..

do help me again in 2 more papers next week.. hehe aminnn..

Chemist nak kene work hard skit coz trial haritu baru dapat C+.. nak dapatkan A kene revise banyak2..

BIO pon same.. trial haritu ntah macamane ter'magnificent' coz mampu dapat A solid.. so kene work hard to achieve A+ InsyaAllah..

hurm kalau korang ade tajuk spot tu.. rajin rajin la bagitau saye kat ruanagn komen kat blog ni.. k..

thats all for now.. till we meet again.. bye Assalamualaikum...


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