Saje je nak Post Gambar
Asslamualaikum.. amboih lamenye tak menulis kat diari lam maya ni.. hehe ' okay tadi petang tadi.. yup baru je beberapa jam tadi selesai sudah second task for ELC092 (communication skill) baru je done presenting forum.. tajuk die plak takleh cliche lagi.. Cybercrime in Malaysia.. hahhaa senang snagat.. hehee Kita orang buat ala ala Tv Show.. so saye as moderator mesti lah nak taruk rancangan tu name saye.. tak gitu??/ so AMIN TO YOU SHOW lah name diberi.. hurm.. lets talk about something else like.. dinner or maybe final.. arghhhh no no no.. dont talk about final and more.. dont mention anything about further studies.. hehhehe.. its really hard people.. being trapped in a huge institution like this.. (u dun understand so just pretend to be understood) hurm Dinner Asasi is already finished weeks ago.. hehehhe its real fun u know.. havinf great people and wearing all those fancy outfit to follow the theme of the Event which is PORTRAIT OF ELEGANCE... ape kate kalau k...